Mole Valley Community Fund

Mole Valley Community Fund


Raised so far

  • About

Introducing the Mole Valley Community Fund: Local Support, Lasting Impact

The Mole Valley Community Fund is a Fund dedicated to Mole Valley that provides support to local projects which tackle need and disadvantage across the borough, it is the latest in the network of local area funds supported by the Community Foundation for Surrey and is run by volunteers from the local communities in Mole Valley.

Our ambition is to provide a significant level of sustainable funding to support and benefit local residents, community projects and voluntary groups in the District of Mole Valley, by bringing together local donors and stakeholders who are passionate about their local community, who can together make a difference to the area in which they live.

This fund is one of a number of borough/district Area Funds across the county managed by the Community Foundation for Surrey, developed in partnership with representatives from the local area. This model has successfully worked in other areas of the county and provides an important local emphasis for funding in Mole Valley.

The Mole Valley Community Fund is a long-term fund that people who are passionate about Mole Valley can donate to now, or leave a legacy to in the future.

How we help people

The aim of the Mole Valley Community Fund is to establish a permanent community fund to support and benefit local residents, community projects and voluntary groups in the district. With your help we can help build a stronger community by supporting local causes that can make impact and that will empower Mole Valley to help itself now and in the future.

Fund objectives

The key objectives of the fund are:

  • To create a permanent source of community capital to support and benefit voluntary and community groups, charities and local residents in Mole Valley
  • To encourage local philanthropy and raise the level of local giving from residents and local businesses

The Fund will award grants to non-profit organisations including charities, social enterprises, community groups and voluntary organisations in the District of Mole Valley.